Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy birthday leon.

Happy Birthday Leon! :)
you're a great friend and also a great listener.
  • church
  • yokelin's house
  • KLCC-

walked around,ate,walked around,ate again :D
& i almost got chocked to death.
it all started when we used the clean tissue on the table to wipe the dirty table in aunty anne's,
not long later,a guy went and take the tissue and wiped his mouth,
(i wonder why his wife which saw us cleaning the table with that tissue did not stop him from wiping his mouth)*bad wife*
and i was drinking water while watching him did that
then i started laughing and chocking :D LOL
then they went off staring at me in a weird way.
  • usj21 for steamboat dinner with lin,xia,yiva,leon,mikhail,norman.thanks mikhail for the dinner. :D
  • mikhail's house.

  • home sweet home.
Done blogging@ :D

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